Data Directs Decision Making

As featured in our ACCE Presentation for the 2019 Annual Convention.
Have you ever had to make a strategic decision and persuade your team and stakeholders to agree? When we first implemented data tracking and developed a corporate score card, we saw first hand the importance of using data to influence decision making. Allowing us to see what is working and what is not - data showed us what we needed to continue, what we needed to stop, and areas that offered room for improvement. Using data determines your key performance indicators in areas of events, sales, retention, marketing, and even in managing your staff to help you make better decisions, faster. Not only that, but it gives our members a place to voice their opinions and show us what matters most to them. Once we have our data collected, we place it in a corporate scorecard where we can view our progress side-by-side, observe trends, and verify whether or not we're aligned with our VTO, and if not, determine what we need to change.