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2021 Golf Outing Memories

Golf Outing Logo 2021

The 2021 Golf Outing at Macatawa Golf Club brought over 175 Chamber members safely together on the golf course. Here are some memories of the day.

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Member Question of the Day: Workplace Safety

Member Question of the Day: Workplace Safety

Today’s Member Question of the Day features Sean Egan, Deputy Director of Labor with the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity, who shares updates around Covid-19 Workplace Safety and what the General Duty Clause requires for non-healthcare employers.

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Making the Decision to Run for Judge


Making the Decision to Run for Judge “When will you run for judge?” “Never. I love what I do, and plan to retire as an assistant prosecutor.” By Juanita Bocanegra, Judge, Ottawa County 58th District Court This conversation took place many times with different people, before I decided to consider the possibility of a different…

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Four Leadership Obsessions to Get at the Truth

Four Leadership Obsessions to Get at the Truth-Blog---Scott-Patchin---Rocks-photo

If you want honest conversations to be part of your culture, here are four leadership obsessions to help you get at the truth. Great advice from EOS Implementor, Scott Patchin.

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Remarkable Leadership with Dr. Randy Ross

What Makes a Leader Remarkable - Purpose

Remarkable Leadership with Dr. Randy Ross Becoming a Remarkable Leader REGISTER HERE The Ripple Effect of Remarkable Leadership: May 14, 2021 Meet Leadership Live Speaker: Dr. Randy Ross Dr. Randy Ross is a bestselling author of Remarkable!, Relationomics: Business Powered by Relationships, and Hope Rises: Make your Life, Love and Leadership Soar. Randy is the CEO…

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Innovation Report: March 2021

Shayna Carlson

This West Coast Chamber program year is all about our Core Value of Learn, Innovate & Share. Here’s the Innovation Report for March 2021.

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Innovation Report: February 2021

Diane Ybarra Learn Innovate Share

This West Coast Chamber program year is all about our Core Value of Learn, Innovate & Share. Here’s the Innovation Report for February 2021.

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