Why Companies Need to Address Workplace Stress

As today's Member Question of the Day expert contributor would say, "Excessive or ongoing work stress affects individuals, and organizations. It's expensive, it's unpleasant, and much of it is avoidable." Workplace stress among employees costs companies billions of dollars each year, as the price tag on staff turnover, sick days and workers compensation affects the bottom line. Workplace stress also impacts the functionality and productivity of the entire team.
Dr. Marcus Fila, management professor at Hope College, works with companies to help them address the sources of stress among employees. He points out that workplace stress need not be a tug-of-war between employee and employer, and that it's often minor tweaks that can alleviate friction.
What Contributes to Workplace Stress?
Dr. Fila shared, "Some of the greatest costs to organizations are when valued people leave, and take everything they know with them. Replacing them is also very costly, and a drain on resources."
"I ask organizational leaders 'Why wait until someone leaves to ask whether something could have been done differently, or if something that led to them leaving could have been recognized, and addressed?'"
Watch today's Member Question of the Day to learn more about common sources of stress and the effects on an organization from Dr. Fila's years of research, speaking and consulting. Listen for key points about autonomy and job definition, and for his thoughts on the standard "dealing with stress" recommendations.
Seven minute video
Interview Topics Include
- The gap between research on work stress and what is often reported in the media.
- The most important issue that is often overlooked.
- Why this issue is especially important as we navigate the pandemic and its effects on our workforce.
Visit Dr. Marcus Fila's website, Ease Work Stress, for more information for organizations, for individuals and to learn more about his research on stress in the workplace.
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