Safety Pays as West Coast Chamber Members Earn Workers Compensation Dividend of $130,000
Businesses Share Workers Compensation Group Dividend from Accident Fund Insurance Company of America

Over 60 businesses will share a $130,000 premium dividend thanks to safe work practices and their participation in a workers compensation group dividend program available through the Michigan West Coast Chamber of Commerce. The 11% dividend amount returned is based on each participant’s premium costs and has an average return of over $2,000.
In addition to dividend opportunities, the West Coast Chamber group dividend program offers participating businesses a five-percent discount on their workers compensation insurance premium rates.
While keeping people healthy and injury-free is vital in its own right, it is also an important factor in the ability to earn a dividend. Safety at work leads to fewer injuries and fewer workers compensation claims.
"It’s a fact – safety pays. A safe work environment is not only great for employees, it’s great for the bottom line," says Laura Hall, Accident Fund’s group program consultant. “We’re proud to be able to present the Chamber with this dividend for members in this program.”

Accident Fund’s Loss prevention consultants work with policyholders on safe work practices and teach employee safety training. The company also offers an online "tool box" where policyholders can link to federal and state workplace safety websites.
“Encouraging safety in the workplace while offering a Chamber-only plan that can provide real money back is definitely a win-win situation,” said Jane Clark, President of the West Coast Chamber. “The Accident Fund Workers Compensation Program is one of many innovative strategies we have put in place to help our members more effectively control their costs.”